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The corner of Vallette & Homer Streets in Algiers, New Orleans. Country State City Police District District 4, Algiers Elevation 0 ft (0.0 m) Coordinates: Area 0.62 sq mi (1.6 km 2) - land 0.62 sq mi (2 km 2) - water 0.00 sq mi (0 km 2), 0% Population 50,995 ( 2010) Density 82,250/sq mi (31,757/km 2) Founded 1719 Timezone () - summer (DST) () Area code Algiers is the second oldest neighborhood in and the only Orleans Parish community located on the West Bank of the. Algiers is also known as the 15th Ward, one of the 17. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • History [ ], Sieur de Bienville, was granted a large tract of land on the west bank of the river opposite New Orleans in 1719. This date is sometimes given as the year of the town's founding, making it one of the oldest neighborhoods in what is now New Orleans, but development as a town as opposed to a private did not actually occur until about 1800. The name is believed to have come from the proximity to the city as compared to and.
Another theory is that a soldier returning from fighting in Algeria decided it looked just like that country when viewed from a ship. Others claim some connection to Arabs or Egypt and Algeria and Tunisia in the far past for the area.

Some Arab groups were and are related not only to North Africa and Moors, but also to Asia as well as India. Columbus reported flags on ships of other powers on some of his travels to the Americas. Towns in the South named Egypt or Little Egypt or Tunica are real. It is possible, even likely, that some of this tradition is real.

A was built here for safety reasons and because it stood on higher ground. A was also established and Algiers went by the name of Slaughterhouse Point for some time.
With the in the 18th century, this area was used as a holding area until those who survived the sea voyage recovered enough to be dispatched across the river to be sold. Algiers was also a holding area for the who survived, when the expelled them from. The oldest part of Algiers is, across the river from the. Old Duverje Plantation House before its destruction in the Great Algiers Fire of 1895 The Duverjes built their plantation home in Algiers in about 1812.
They would become the first family of Algiers and their home would later become the Algiers Courthouse. Algiers Point has been connected with the foot of in by the since 1827. It is one the oldest continuously operated ferry services in North America. Global Conquest Microplay Manual Muscle. Part of the, in January 1815, was fought on the West Bank in what is now Algiers. Original earthworks remain, marked with a historical marker on General Meyer Avenue in the. Much land in Algiers and elsewhere in south Louisiana was owned by, who was one of the world's largest private land owners until his death in 1850. His estate was willed to public schools in and New Orleans.
McDonogh's home was located on the river south of Algiers point, but the land has since been washed away. McDonogh's grave is in the McDonogh Cemetery in Gretna.
Algiers was incorporated as a in 1840. Was an important industry here. In the 1850s, Algiers became a major center and eastern terminus of the.
Were utilized for nearly a century to carry passengers, freight, and rail cars across the Mississippi River between the West Bank (including Algiers) and the East Bank (Central Business District of New Orleans). Later, the railroad yard at Algiers would be the eastern repair shop for the Southern Pacific Railroad.