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This article is about the Carmen Sandiego franchise. For the character, see. Novel The Power Of Six Versi Pdf here. For the game series, see. Carmen Sandiego Created by Original work (1985) Print publications Book(s) John Peel Melissa Peterson Comics DC Comics Films and television Film(s) Television series Animated series Theatrical presentations Musical(s) Games Video game(s) Audio Soundtrack(s) Miscellaneous Annual event Carmen Sandiego (sometimes referred to as Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?
Between 1985 and 1996) is a media franchise that originated with a created by the American software company. Originally classified as a 'mystery exploration' series by creators and the media, the series were later classified as edutainment when the games became unexpectedly popular in classrooms. The franchise centers around the, who is the ringleader of the criminal organisation, V.I.L.E.; the protagonists (most often including a computer player) are agents of the ACME Detective Agency who try to thwart the crooks' plans to steal treasures from around the world, while the later ultimate goal is to capture Carmen Sandiego herself. The franchise primarily focuses on teaching children geography, but has also branched out into history, mathematics, language arts, and other subjects. An attempt was made to create a series of state-specific games in the 1980s, but the only prototype to be completed was.
Beginning in 1988, s became popular across American public schools. In the 1990s, the franchise has extended into three television shows, books and comics, board games, a, two, and two music albums. Towards the turn of the 21st century, the Carmen Sandiego property passed through a series of five corporate hands: Broderbund (1997), (1998), (1999), (2000), and (2001). Subsequent acquisitions and mergers of Riverdeep led to the franchise currently being in the possession of. The has become known for its ability to surreptitiously teach facts, breed empathy for other cultures, and develop logic skills, all behind a mask of highly entertaining detective mystery experiences. One aspect of the series that has received consistent praise by critics is its diverse representation of strong, independent, and intelligent minority women.
Carmen Sandiego herself is, and it has never been implied that her ethnicity is correlated to her thievery. Meanwhile, The Chief from the was, a bold choice [ ] for children's television when she appeared between 1991 and 1996. These two characters have helped to bring such representations into the mainstream and legitimise leadership roles for young women.
It has been noted that many of the geographical locations at the time of the franchise's release were no longer accurate, due to the events such as the dissolutions of the,, and that signalled the end of the. Carmen Sandiego has maintained a considerable popularity and commercial success over its history.
Carmen Sandiego is one of the top 30, having existed for just over 30 years with the release of in 2015. By 1997, Carmen Sandiego games had been translated into three different languages, and over 5 million copies had been sold into schools and homes worldwide. All three television shows have together been nominated for a grand total of 45 (winning 8), while World also won a. They had a combined viewing audience of over 10 million viewers each week. The franchise will continue on television with the premiere of a, which is due to air in 2019. Main article: This was the PBS game show designed for children ages 8–12.
The World game show was staged in a slightly off-skew detective office, which was part of the ACME agency with portraying 'The Chief' and portraying himself as a special agent in charge of training new recruits. Greg was helped in this training by various live-action and animated characters. Among the show's most popular were the members of the a cappella house band and comedy troupe,, who also sang the show's main theme song. The game was played in three rounds: the first round was Q&A, where the two gumshoes with the highest scores proceeded to a second round. In the second round, the two remaining gumshoes had to find the loot, the warrant, and the cartoon crook in the correct order.