Jeol Arm200f Manual Woodworkers
Sep 21, 2012. EM Business Unit, JEOL Ltd, 3-1-2 Musashino Akishima, 196-8558, Tokyo, Japan, +81-42-542-2152/+81-42-546-8063. Modern Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) with aberration correctors allows us to achieve atomic resolution and obtain a variety of information. Since its introduction, the JEOL ARM series with spherical aberration correction has become the leading atomic resolution microscope used in advanced research. In response to the increased need for high-resolution imaging of materials containing light elements and of specimens susceptible to electron-beam irradiation,.

Since its introduction, the JEOL ARM series with spherical aberration correction has become the leading atomic resolution microscope used in advanced research. In response to the increased need for high-resolution imaging of materials containing light elements and of specimens susceptible to electron-beam irradiation, JEOL developed the NEOARM atomic resolution analytical electron microscope. The NEOARM enables atomic-resolution imaging at accelerating voltages ranging from 30 kV to 200 kV. The NEOARM features a unique cold field emission gun (Cold-FEG) as well as a next generation Cs corrector (ASCOR) that compensates for higher order aberrations. An automated aberration correction system incorporates JEOL’s new aberration correction algorithm for fast and precise aberration correction. This system enables higher-throughput atomic-resolution imaging, even at low accelerating voltages. Furthermore, a new STEM detector that provides enhanced contrast of light elements is incorporated as a standard unit. Download Perl 5.10.