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Welcome to Nalin Nirula's Karma Blog Attend life-changing and other with Nalin Nirula - Spiritual Guru, Karmic Healer and result-oriented Mentor. Bookmark this Karma Blog page for stimulating and inspiring content aimed at helping you help yourself and take charge of your life.
For practical application in everyday life. Current lectures: Chapter 11:The Universal Form Arjun requests to see the Universal Form of Krishna; the significance of blind King Dhritrasthra hearing this description is that it is meaningful for us as well, who may not have the spiritual eyes to see who Krishna is. Postponed: Thursday Dec.

Sep 16, 2017. There are many website with provide Karva Chauth images free download, from where you can easily get some of the best karwa chauth photo gallery. Many women search for karwa Chauth good images for husband similarly main also search some lovely images for their wife so that they can use these.
7 Assembly & Saturday Dec. Dec 06, 2017 Rent OR Buy? Now that property prices are down A common sentiment these days regarding real-estate is that one should buy a home now while property prices are down.
I get frequent queries regarding this, and my advice has been that unless one anticipates settling down in a particular place one should rent rather than buy, and also see whether one is in the right place financially to do this. A well thought-out article by Ashwini Sharma on lists key factors to help one decide, and his opening summary sets the tone for the rest of the article: 'Financial planners insist that apart from price, there are various other factors to consider while buying a house. And if these factors matter to your situation in life, you may find that staying on rent may be more advantageous to you than buying a house now.' • Factors listed are: Flexibility, affordability, comfort, long-term commitment, other life goals,when to buy, stability of residence, financial stability, tax benefits, low home loan rates, creating an asset. • The conventional wisdom that, 'rather than pay rent, I will pay the monthly EMI' needs to re-examined more carefully.
A decision about this needs to be based on one's life stage and life situation rather than truisms that may not apply to your circumstances. Before deciding to buy or rent, do take a look at It will help take the guesswork out of deciding whether you should or should not buy a home at this point in time. Sep 13, 2017 The Art of Appreciation Appreciation of someone or something implies a number of things: it means that in the appreciated there is value, and harmony with one's taste or views. It may imply a positive co-relation with what one might have or own, validating ones choices. Sometimes appreciation also indicates envy.
By valuing something that we might not have doesn't necessarily mean that we are less by comparison. In genuinely appreciating someone or something, we don't lose anything except our false sense of assumed superiority. Praising the praiseworthy opens one to receiving unexpected benefits. Certainly, being appreciated generates feelings of well-being in the praised, but the benefit for the admirer is greater—it creates an energy of enthusiasm that translates into positive energy for other things in life. When opportunities for appreciation are missing in ones life, life is the poorer for it. If nothing else, one can appreciate poetry, art, theater and thoughtful literature.
Download Free Joe Sample Sample This Rar Software Free. One can most advantageously appreciate the benefits one has received in life, as doing so attracts more of the same. Sep 07, 2017 Demonetization Doublespeak, & Healing it The Reserve Bank of India's 244 page for 2016-2017 sports a dismally grey and monochromatic cover.
It is quite appropriate for the times we are in. Prime Minister Mr. Modi's avowed objective for the demonetization exercise was meant to be curative surgery for the evil of black money, fake money and terrorist funding, and getting some windfall gains to the exchequer. There is no doubt about its results anymore. It is now widely accepted that the demonetization exercise undertaken last year was greatly misconceived and has proven itself a disastrous failure.
This is borne out by the RBI's own monetary data in the report, while its carefully worded dealing with the subject of demonetization seeks to play down the demonetization disaster that cost lives, immense hardship to people, loss of jobs and income, and the shutting down of small businesses and enterprises. The 'Dumb Idea' Ajit Dayal of Equitymaster points out graphically how Mr. Modi's narrative about the reasons for the demonetization changed radically as it became clear that the exercise was failing at all levels.