Serial Number To Imei Conversion
Enter your Identifier Number (IMEI) and it will convert to every format of device unique codes such as MEID and ESN. This calculator uses also pseudo ESNs (pESN), ESNs, and MEID numbers in both decimal and hexadecimal forms. You may use this tool in order to convert between IMEI, MEID and ESN, and to view both decimal and hexadecimal formats.

Hitachi Hard Drive Drivers Windows Vista more. This calculator may be very helpful especially when you are trying to activate your device with a carrier that requires unique identifier in a strictly specified format. Answer goes here. What are IMEI, ESN and MEID identifiers?
View and Download Cal Amp Vanguard user manual online. Cellular Data Modem & IP Router. Vanguard Network Router pdf manual download. Handy for quick IMEI model conversion, when you need to quickly convert that imei to model in a hurry, IMEI convert just requires the IMEI, your model number will be shown on screen. The simplest way to get your model from imei. What is an IMEI? An IMEI number is your phones electronic serial number. It's a 15 digit.