Apc Device Ip Configuration Wizard Скачать
Issue An APC Network Management Card must be configured with network settings before it can communicate on the network. Once the cards have been configured with an IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway the cards can be accessed, managed, and controlled from other computers on the network. There are multiple configuration options available, outlined below, for each family of Network Management Cards or devices that have embedded versions of these products.
Product Line • Web/SNMP Card - AP9606. Devices with an embedded Network Management Card 2 include (but are not limited to): 2G Metered/Switched Rack PDUs (AP84XX, AP86XX, AP88XX, AP89XX), Rack Automatic Transfer Switches (AP44XX), Certain Audio/Video Network Management Enabled products, Smart-UPS Online (SRT). Environment • All serial numbers • All firmware revisions (unless otherwise noted) • Unconfigured Network Management Card enabled Devices • Network Management Card devices requiring reconfiguration Cause A Network Management Card requires TCP/IP settings prior to being accessible accessible via a network. Resolution If you have a Network Management Card 1: In regards to Network Management Card 1 (AP9617, AP9618, AP9619) or devices with an embedded Network Management Card 1 (such as a AP78XX or AP79XX Rack PDU, Environmental Monitoring Unit, etc), there are three available options to configure the Network Management Card (NMC) with it's initial settings: the Wizard, terminal emulation (local/direct connection), and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). Default boot mode: DHCP/BootP - With DHCP Option 43 Vendor Cookie required to accept DHCP Offer. By default, all of APC's Network Management Card 1 based devices are configured for a boot mode of DHCP/BOOTP.
If using DHCP, a vendor cookie (DHCP Option 43) is required by default. If it is not configured on your DHCP server, the card will not accept an IP address. You can use the methods below to configure/access the card if you do not wish to use DHCP/BOOTP. If you have a Network Management Card 2: Default boot mode: DHCP Only - With DHCP Option 43 Vendor Cookie NOT required to accept DHCP Offer.
By default, all of APC's Network Management Card 2 based devices (such as a AP8XXX Next Gen Rack PDU ) with AOS 5.1.1 or higher, are configured for DHCP Only with no vendor cookie required by default. They will obtain an IP address automatically so you may need to refer to your DHCP server to find out what IP address it obtained.
All APC devices have a MAC address that begin with 00 C0 B7 which may help while reviewing your DHCP Client List. In order to configure your Network Management Card enabled device, please pick one of the available configuration methods listed below: • • • • • The Device IP configuration wizard is included on the CD that comes with the cards (current v5.0.2) and the latest version is currently only (v5.0.2). The wizard must run on a Windows operating system. You can configure the card using the wizard over the network only with v5.0.0 and higher. Prior 3.x versions allow local configuration of the NMC with this program. With the Network Management Card 2 family, the Device IP Configuration Wizard v3.0.1 and below will not work via the local method inside the wizard. V3.0.3 is required or v5.0.0 or higher for network configuration.
Jan 14, 2016. Apc device ip configuration wizard Apc discovery tool download Apc device ip configuration utility Apc discovery tool Device. APC makes it easy for you to. Network Management Device IP Configuration Wizard v5.0.2. Firmware: Network Management Card Device IP Configuration Utility. Apc device ip.
Please keep in mind that with certain firmware releases, the NMC can obtain a DHCP address and also prevent the wizard from working correctly. You may want to check your DHCP client list for any MAC addresses beginning with 00 C0 B7, which indicates an APC address. In addition, check the card you are trying to configure.
Any card with valid IP settings will have a solid green status LED. If using the wizard over the network, please note, the previously unconfigured NMC must be on the same subnet as the computer running the wizard.
An alternative method to using the wizard via the network method may be to use a direct network connection between a computer and the NMC you are trying to configure and running the wizard. Сборник Задач И Вопросов По Физике Гладкова 1988 Решебник Онлайн. Ultimately, your computer and the NMC will be on a peer to peer network which will allow for configuration as well. This wizard will also not work with either network management card family if the network management card was previously configured and not in DHCP or BOOTP boot mode. V5.0.0 and higher of the wizard, available from apc.com, will allow you to locate unconfigured cards or locate configured cards on the network by IP range. Terminal Emulation is a built-in function on most operating systems (ex: HyperTerminal). Before using any terminal emulation program, any services using the COM ports must be stopped.