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But the trick is flexible enough to be used for just about anything small enough to fit. Hand weapons, ammo, drugs, bottles of liquor, software, other books. If you're feeling clever, you can make sure that the object you are hiding goes into a hollow book of an appropriate genre or title: A secret locket in a romance novel, or a safe key hidden in a book on finance. A book that is hollowed out and then glued into place on the shelf may be used to (or the book itself may even BE the switch.) If you're lazy — or don't want to deface a book — you can just pull the book out a small way and stuff something behind it instead. This trope can be; check under 'Book Safe' for examples. • In, the 'Book of Neptune,' from which Nagi alleged to have learned about Yuna and the CHILDs, was really a box with the Neptune Emerald GEM inside.
• A case revolves around drugs hidden not in a book, but a 'fake book' that has four sealed edges. The protagonist keeps a Walther PPK hidden in a book. • In, it's revealed that Roxanne hides Pokeballs in the book she always carries. • In, a variation on the standard gun-in-the-Bible occurs when that big heavy cross Wolfwood has been lugging around with him everywhere turns out to not only to BE a BFG in its own right but to also CONTAIN a plethora of hand pistols as well. 'It's heavy because it's so full of mercy', right.
• started when Sakura opened a Book Safe: the hiding place of the the Clow Cards. • In a flashback sequence in, Mokuba uses this to smuggle Duel Monsters cards to Seto after their stepfather stopped letting him have toys. • The spy team in occasionally receives their mission files from a book in the library hollowed out to fit envelopes with wax seals.

Another book, used by a different spy party, is hollowed to fit a camera, with the lens hidden in the ornate spine. • In, corrupt priest Father Liliman pulls out a gun from his Bible when V enters the room.
In 'Explorers on the Moon' Captain Haddock smuggles his whiskey on board the rocketship inside a tome, labelled 'Guide To Astronomy'. • Used in one story - a fake priest keeps a revolver in his hollowed-out Bible. Lucky suspects him and asks him to read some words from the Good Book. • Red Hood smuggles a collapsible bow to Arsenal inside a bible in the first issue of. • In #14 (original series), Jonah confronts a former gunslinger turned preacher who is killing bounty hunters. The preacher keeps a derringer hidden in his Bible. • • features a sound-activated listening device in a book, which Bond uses to determine if someone has sneaked into his room while he's been out.
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• One of the diamond smugglers in hides the goods inside a hollowed Bible. • features the classic gun in a Bible. • Used in: as Michael Keaton is being walked to the Chair, in passing each cell along the way each prisoner hands him one component of whilst walking. The last piece is in the Bible the priest is 'reading' from. However, it's a fake gun, that falls apart mere moments after Johnny makes his escape. • In, Neo keeps his illegal software inside a hollow copy of the real-world philosophy text 'Simulacra and Simulation' by Jean Baudrillard. A real copy of Simulacra wouldn't be thick enough to hide that much stuff (it's not a very long book), so one can conclude that the filmmakers specifically worked this reference in as a hint to the nature of Neo's reality.