Installer Locked U003d False Sugarcrm
Universal Label Template 60101 Weather. Hello everyone, I'm new to all of this web/server hosting, web design, etc. So; any and all help is appreciated I am trying to install sutieCRM onto my website for my business so I can use CRM to manager my calls/clients, etc. I had it all worked out til the end when I created an admin username and clicked finish or whatever it was, It said it couldn't connect to the server and when I tried to refresh and try again it said the installer has been used already and gave me the following info: 'The installer has already been run once. As a safety measure, it has been disabled from running a second time. If you are absolutely sure you want to run it again, please go to your config.php file and locate (or add) a variable called 'installer_locked' and set it to 'false'.
Jun 14, 2010. To: 'installer_locked' =>false, That modification to config.php allows one to run the installer again although the installation may already be operational. Obviously you wouldn't want to do this on a regular basis as this process could potentially cause you to accidentally delete your SugarCRM data, but it does. Installer Locked U003d False Sugarcrm Modules. Location: San Francisco, California, United States. Download PDF (5.5 MB) - GeekBooks; Rating:2/10GWT in public conferences organized by Microsoft and TCS in 2008 and 2009, and he.